The BoysLingo project is designed to improve the language skills, including listening, speaking, reading, and writing, of boys aged 10-14 years old.
Through the use of gamified mobile learning environments in formal educational settings, the project aims to propose a comprehensive language teaching and learning approach for primary and secondary education, prioritising the needs of male learners.
Providing an inclusive and engaging language learning experience for boys, it will strive for reducing the gender gap in the language field, ensuring that they achieve adequate language competence levels.

Unlock their potential:
BoysLingo makes learning fun!
The BoysLingo App features 40 gamified learning scenarios designed to enhance boys’ language skills. Aligned with national curriculums across Cyprus, Greece, Poland, Italy, and Ireland, it offers engaging activities, customisable characters, and real-life examples along with interactive quizzes and feedback to ensure a motivating learning journey.
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Encourage and motivate boys
to be engaged in Language Learning activities (Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening) in their education.

Build the capacity of educators, school leaders, and school staff
in organising and implementing language learning activities in the classroom with the use of digital tools, such as a gamified mobile learning environment.

Engage teachers
in the development process of the learning scenarios and activities in order to acquire the knowledge and competences required to support students during the learning process.

Develop innovative quality learning material and digital resources
for Language learning in primary and secondary education.
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Identification of each partner country’s needs and good practices for encouraging boys in language learning activities and how mobile learning would support their learning experiences through gamified environments.

Design and development of the BoysLingo Handbook, aimed at supporting teachers and school leaders and other relevant stakeholders to gain the necessary knowledge to successfully engage students in language learning for improving their language skills and benefit from applying gamified learning environments in education.

Engage teachers in the development process of 40 gamified learning scenarios aimed at improving primary and secondary boys’ basic language skills (Reading, Listening, Writing, Speaking).

Design and development of a mobile application to host the learning scenarios and testing and validation of the mobile application in the classroom.

Design and development of learning modules for the teacher training curricula in the topics of language development and mobile learning.

Design and development of the BoysLingo e-learning platform that will host the teacher training curricula and testing and validation of the BoysLingo teacher training curricula with teachers.
Our Partnership